Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Busy Bee

I want to keep this updated with my happenings, so I'm going to be more dutiful about it.

-My food blog gets a heap of hits and my food snobbery only grows.

-My chocolate business is doing pretty well actually! Since putting it online in February, on average I get an order every-other-day and I am slated for doing favors for TWO wedding receptions this summer!

-Mom and I started cleaning out the garage, which has been weird, but I found a couple of trash bags of brand new ball caps. I have no idea where Dad got them all from, but some were given to Goodwill and the rest were successfully sold on eBay.

-I'm going to be quite busy from now through August. I'm going to Cincinnati, Orlando, Memphis, the Outer Banks, and Napa Valley.

My best friend Aileen and her fiance are coming from England and we are going to Orlando to meet up with our good friend Nick whom we also studied abroad with together. And to top it all off, my boyfriend Ed is coming out from Japan on his spring break to be with all of us at the same time! I haven't seen him in almost 4 months. Haven't seen Aileen & Richard since Jan 2006 and Nick since March 2005. It is going to be one mad vacation, I can tell you that! Can't wait!

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