Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Garden chaos

One day you have a gorgeous garden:

And then you go away for two weeks and this happens!

The lettuce grew about 4 feet high so they were ruined, the spinach all died, the top part of he basil and all the yellow marigolds were infested with Japanese beetles. But NOT the orange marigolds! They were untouched! So make sure you have normal orange marigolds to not have Japanese beetles!

However our green beans were all long and yummy, the eggplants were growing, nice big fragrant red onions, the potatoes were ready to dig up (as noted by them flowering and then dying), and our summer squash must have been some giant contest-type because These suckers were between 3 -4 lbs! Thankfully I was able to give away a few!
We also have many Roma tomatoes (some red, most green), 3 red peppers (still green), and a few clusters of light pink blackberries.

Oh how they grow! 2 weeks difference:

Mom has informed me that we have one blackberry ready to eat! I am jealous! And I miss my garden just as it's giving us so many goodies!

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